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What is BOAA ?
the Business owners association of Australia-

BOAA is exclusively for business owners

If you are not a business owner don’t bother reading on because you cannot get involved.

We have established a private Business Owners’ Association - which will focus on networking, supporting and educating business owners to achieve personal freedom, choice and multigenerational wealth.  We aim to inspire each business owner to reconnect with their core purpose - and become visionary business leaders.   

Read more about our philosophy & vision.

Our Supporters


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Some images from our Official Launch Event

Our Vision for BOAA is

"To bring together Business Owners from across Australia to collectively be the most influential private business organisation in the country – We aim to be a strong voice to government.  

Private business owners are largely ignore in Australia by government and that is because they are not organised as a collective voice.  

And as a collective group demonstrate our Leadership to improve Australia’s quality of life, with a key focus on developing and supporting the next generation."

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events
"To bring together Business Owners from across Australia to collectively be the most influential private business organisation in the country – We aim to be a strong voice to government.  

Suite 408 / 685 Burke Road, Camberwell 3124 Victoria 
PO Box 423, Camberwell 3124  Victoria

General inquiries:

+61 3 9044 0729
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